Improving the functional literacy of schoolchildren. A series of webinars in the run-up to Christmas

Improving the functional literacy of schoolchildren. A series of webinars in the run-up to Christmas


How to get students interested in the topics covered in school lessons? How to teach things that have practical applications in everyday life? These and other questions were addressed in the latest educational event of the past year, the webinar series “Improving functional literacy in schools – international experience”, held online in the run-up to Christmas at the end of December 2020.

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Practice of Finnish school education

Practice of Finnish school education


Teachers of Moscow schools – winners and finalists of the annual contest “Teacher of the Year” got an opportunity to get acquainted with the Finnish education by visiting educational institutions of different levels in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in the last week of February 2020. The school visits, which included communication with both teachers and students, as well as attendance at several lessons on various subjects, contributed to the understanding among Moscow colleagues of the notorious “Finnish education system”.

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Current trends of further development of preschool and school inclusion in Germany

Current trends of further development of preschool and school inclusion in Germany


In the period from the 2nd  to 7th  December 2019  a seminar on current trends in further development of inclusive school and preschool education in Germany took place in Dusseldorf. Teachers from Moscow visited an integrative kindergarten and different types of schools: primary, comprehensive, secondary and two high schools (gymnasiums) to exchange with German colleagues about practical approaches on on the way of long-term progress towards more educational inclusion.

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Practical training on the Abilympics – an international professional competition for people with disabilities

Practical training on the Abilympics – an international professional competition for people with disabilities


Continuing the topic of professional inclusion of people with physical or mental disabilities, which remains an important area of INTAMT’s project activities, the Academy organised and coordinated a series of seminars and internships for members of the Russian Abilympics national team in Germany and Finland as part of the preparations for the X. International Abilympics Professional Competition for PWDs, which will take place in Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan, Russia) in early summer 2021.

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Role of vocational orientation in the German school system

Role of vocational orientation in the German school system


From March 25 to March 29, 2019, the INTAMT Academy hold a study tour for a delegation of Moscow school teachers on the topic “The Role of Career Guidance in the German School System”. The seminar will be held in Stuttgart and the surrounding region. The Moscow delegation visited leading German companies located in the Stuttgart area.

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Moscow teachers visit Dusseldorf

Moscow teachers visit Dusseldorf


From December 10-15, 2018, INTAMT Academy organized a study tour “Innovations in German School Education” for teachers and leadreship of the Moscow School “Maryino”. As part of the school visits, there was an intensive exchange of experiences that benefited participants from both Russia and Germany. The school directors intend to maintain existing contacts as well as to develop dialogue and cooperation.

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