Energy, Resource efficiency & Environment Protection
In the field of Energy, Resource efficiency & Environment Protection, INTAMT Academy is offering educational programs on the following subjects:
Technologies and equipment for conventional power generation
- Market mechanisms necessary to stimulate innovations in the power industry
- Modern power plants with high efficiency and low emissions
- Organization of management and operation of a power plant
- Cogeneration and trigeneration plants
- Energy efficiency and energy saving in power generation
- Training and continuous professional education of specialists in power plant management and operation.
Renewable energy generation
- Legal framework fostering development of renewable energy generation
- Technical equipment and facilities in renewable energy generation sector
- Power supply engineering based on renewable energy sources
- Integration of renewable energy sources in power supply systems
- Installation and maintenance of renewable energy generating facilities
Electric power transmission and distribution
- Organization of power supply to customers in a liberalized electricity market
- Process of tariff setting and adjustment for services of power companies
- Interaction of grid companies with power suppliers
- Interaction of grid companies with energy retailers
- Operation and maintenance of energy networks
- Innovative methods of electric power transmission
- Smart grid
- Energy efficiency and energy saving in electric power transmission and distribution
Efficient use of resources and ecology
- Legal framework regulating efficient use of resources and environmental protection
- Environmental management
- Environment recovery programs
- Methods and measures for environmental monitoring
- Innovative solutions in environmental protection
- Safety of production processes
- Cluster organization and technology optimization in hazardous production facilities
- Waste treatment
- Use of waste as an energy source