On April 28, 2015, under the UNICEF project on Inclusive School Education in Azerbaijan, which the INTAMT Academy oversees since 2015, a delegation from the capital city of Baku visited the School Administration Office of the City Dusseldorf and the Ministry of Education of the NRW Region.
The delegation, headed by the Education Minister’s Adviser of Azerbaijan, Ali Pasha Zeynalov, explored the experience of implementing the inclusive system of education as a part of a Child-Friendly Schools Framework in German schools according to the requirements of the UN CRPD. Afterwards, the members of the Dusseldorf Office and Ministry of Education, Dagmar Wandt (School Administration Office) and Gabriele Mauermann (country Ministry of Education and Training) openly answered the questions of the delegation and shared their experience. The German colleagues assured the delegation participants that they will professionally support the project.